Agosta Fun Beach

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We picked up a leaflet in Porticcio for the Agosta Fun Beach, which is a location for watersports activities like jet ski hire, parasailing, banana boats, etc about 10-minutes up the road from Porticcio centre.

On arrival at Agosta Beach, we were surprised at how empty it was, especially considering this was the middle of peak season and all the other beaches in and around Ajaccio were pretty busy. 

Agosta Beach is a long, wide, sandy beach and we counted no more than 10 other people on entire stretch of beach we were on! It’s not got quite the same fine white sand as some of the other beaches around, but it’s still a glorious beach and perhaps somewhere to visit if you want to escape the other busier Porticcio and Ajaccio beaches. 

We had plenty of space to ourselves at Agosta Beach, which is about 5 to 10 minute drive up the road from Porticcio

The Agosta Fun Beach operators were clearly identifiable with their gazebo and yellow flags flying so we headed over to check the prices and choices available. 

As with almost everything else we encountered in Corsica, the prices were higher than we expected so we went with one of the lower cost activities just for the three children – the so-called ‘Bouees Tractees’ – an inflatable ‘doughnut’ that’s dragged along behind a speedboat and which fits three people – ideal for the three children to do together. 

The cost was 20 Euro each for a total of 12-minutes – so 60 Euro in total. Considering 60 Euro could get us entry in to a local theme park for the whole day back home, we were reluctant to fork out the money, but decided it was worth it in the end, as otherwise we’d spend too many days not really doing any activities and the children would start getting bored. 

They did have great fun and an unexpected bonus was that we were allowed to ride in the boat too, so could keep an eye on them and get some great photos of them in action from close up. 

All three kids are very confident swimmers so we had no worries about them being flung about over the waves. Our youngest, Emma, is nine and she was perfectly happy with it, although younger kids less confident in the water might be a bit more reluctant about it, as it did get pretty bumpy for them. 

As it happened, at one point we could hear and see her screaming from on board the boat and got worried, but the guys driving the boat immediately slowed down to check all was OK, which it was, before starting back up again. 

All in all it was 12-minutes well spent – albeit an expensive 12-minutes! They definitely all enjoyed it though and will probably remember it for years to come, so we’d definitely recommend Agosta Fun Beach, particularly if it’s as quiet as it was when we visited. 

Getting there

There are various spots on the road that runs alongside Agosta Beach where you can park, if you’re lucky enough to find a space – or there’s a larger car park at the far southern end (furthest from Porticcio).

The Agosta Fun Beach tent is identifiable by their gazebo and yellow flags towards the southern end of the beach.

Find it on Google Maps here:

Visit the Agosta Fun Beach website here: