About Our Family Travel Blog

Hello! We’re the Brittain family and this is our family travel blog site documenting our travelling and holiday adventures with our family of two adults, four children and one dog…

We’re from Southampton, England and for as long as we can remember, we’ve loved travelling and holidays – it’s always been our absolute favourite thing to do.

But there’s no doubt that it’s a very different experience doing so when a new baby comes along – and very different again when the second, third then fourth arrive!

What we get up to

But we’ve always tried our best to keep up with as much travelling as we possibly can – and also to spend as much time doing the same kind of stuff we might always have done even if we didn’t have them with us.

We love spending time exploring, getting away from typical tourist hot-spots, getting out in to nature and in to the ‘real’ parts of the countries we’re visiting.

Spending a week sat by an all-inclusive hotel pool isn’t really our thing (though not to say we haven’t done or wouldn’t do it).

You’re more likely to find us hiking through the mountains to a remote lake or searching for hidden jungle waterfalls.

We’ve always been really keen to pass on to the children the same sense of adventure, love of the outdoors and of different places and cultures that we’ve always had and that means just getting out there and doing stuff, even when having babies, young kids or teenagers in tow might make that a bit more of a logistical challenge than it would be with just the two of us!

Why we started this family travel blog site

Wherever we’ve gone, one thing we’ve always found useful is advice, information and reviews from people who’ve been to the same places before us.

For this reason, we’ve always wanted to pass on our own experiences and advice to others who might come after us too.

Andy was obsessive about writing about everything we did on TripAdvisor and was one of the top ranking TripAdvisor reviewers from our area.

So we thought we’d start this blog, so we could write about everything we do in much greater detail and hopefully provide a valuable and interesting site of information and advice for people doing their own travelling and holidaying with their kids.

Keep up to date on social media

We hope the content on our site is interesting and useful for you and helps you with your own travel and holiday planning.

We’re always happy to answer questions on the places we’ve been to – you can message us on any of the social media sites and we’ll happy reply to any questions there.

And if you follow our social media profiles, you’ll be able to stay up to date with where we’ve been lately and where we’re going next – as well as benefit from our travel tips and advice we can offer from our own experiences.

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